Root Canal treatment

Root canal treatment is the procedure to recover the damaged teeth. In the scientific language, the root canal treatment known as Endodontic Therapy or Endodontic treatment. Root canal treatment(RCT) is for the infected Pulp (Pulp is the center part of teeth which is made of blood vessels and nerve tissues) Generally, which causes teeth sensitivity, pain, and swelling.

Procedure for Root canal treatment(RCT):

  1. Removing the damaged area of teeth
  2. Making access to nerve tissue ( Pulp)
  3. Cleaning or disinfecting the area
  4. Filling and sealing it
  5. Placement of crown

Most Frequently asked Questions on Root Canals:

No, doctor ( Endodontist ) use local anaesthesia to teeth which are being treated.
Depending on Condition of teeth, if the teeth condition is bad, the treatment will take 30- 60 minutes of 2 or 3 sessions.
yes, teeth which are being treated that loose pulp. In this treatment, doctor will remove infected pulp from the tooth.
if people can feel serious pain in teeth when they are having food or put pressure on that area then your dentist may suggest RCT.

In this treatment, the number of steps to includes

  1. Removing the damaged area of teeth ( Pulp)
  2. Cleaning or disinfecting the area
  3. Removing the damaged area of teeth ( Pulp)
  4. Filling and sealing it

For detail process of Root Canal, let’s refer to this video:

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