Dental Filling Treatment

Dental filling or tooth filling treatment is commonly used methods of cosmetic dentistry. The filling is the best way to get back damaged tooth to normal teeth shape and its daily routine function. In this procedure, the Dentist will clean the decay area of the tooth by use of update technology and fill with materials.after filling material in a clean area of teeth.

In this procedure, the Dentist will clean the decay area of the tooth by use of update technology and fill with materials.after filling material in a clean area of teeth.

Most Frequently asked Question:

Whenever the tooth becomes sensitive to cold and hot, may become painful after chewing food.
no it’s not a painful procedure. Depending on the severity dentist will decide to anaesthetize that particular tooth.
it takes around 30 minutes – 45 minutes
composite fillings are tooth coloured fillings which can sustain masticatory forces.
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